I am pretty sure she is the best employer I could have, albeit frustrating at times (and what employer ISN'T, honestly???) and wacky at others. I sometimes get to slack off (I truly appreciate those moments - you know, when the boss is busy dinking around, not paying attention, so, you get to do your own version of dinking around) - and I sometimes I have to put in overtime, though rarely. We are such lucky parents, in that our little girl sleeps well at night (is that JINX #1????) and is a pretty funny, easy-going, happy-go-lucky child. I can only WISH/HOPE/DREAM that child numero dos is the same in that way. Pipe dreams, though...
All that to say THIS: I knew when she was in utero that she was someone for whom I needed to create. I am weak in so many areas in life, and an area in which I can give is, in fact, a bit of a material thing, so to speak. I can sew and knit - not super fancy stuff, but clothing, nonetheless. My goal was/is to provide for my child in this way. I do not love to buy her clothing from stores. I prefer for us to create for her at home a wardrobe that speaks to our tastes, as those could never truly be defined by another designer, so to speak. She is able to help me here and there - sometimes playing so that I can sew, sometimes sleeping so I can knit, sometimes assisting me in picking out fabric for an ensemble...and sometimes standing right there, on the chair while I press the foot pedal at the sewing machine.
I do always have that wish that I had more time to create for her - but to have that time would mean I didn't have her in my life, and as she is known for saying, "That would be nutso in the buttso." Clearly. She is a demanding boss, but definitely a highly rewarding boss at that :)
This is my little girl in the first-ever dress I made for her, and her expression could be depicting her sadness at knowing I had a big eff-up with cutting into the FACING of the dress, rather than the SEAM for turning. My bad. It's a play outfit now. Still fits her, these MANY moons later.
This is the latest sewn creation for my little girl - her Oliver and S Book Report Dress (her second one of these) - buttons by Tessa Ann.